
Pymanopt #

Pymanopt is a Python toolbox for numerical optimization on Riemannian manifolds with support for automatic differentiation. Riemannian structures frequently arise in the context of signal processing and machine learning where optimization domains often form a smooth nonlinear search space. To attack such problems, Pymanopt, which is based on the MATLAB toolbox Manopt, provides a variety of different solvers (e.g. steepest descent, conjugate gradients, trust-regions), manifolds (e.g. Stiefel manifold, Grassmannian, positive definite matrices) and autodiff backends (currently Autograd, TensorFlow, PyTorch and JAX). By leveraging automatic differentiation, the library lowers the entry barrier for rapid prototyping as the need for laborious calculation of higher-order derivatives of matrix expressions by hand is removed.

Lampions #

Lampions is an email relaying service leveraging AWS SES to forward incoming emails on a verified domain to pre-configured forwarding addresses. The goal is to insulate a user's primary email address(es) from third-party services by providing an easy and convenient way to create per-service forwarding addresses. The project consists of a command-line utility to configure the necessary AWS infrastructure and define email routes. Additionally, a browser extension can be used to define, remove or temporarily deactivate email aliases in case one wants to stop receiving emails for certain aliases.