Tree-Based Regression Methods (Part I): Decision Trees
July 8, 2020
Table of Contents
Introduction #
They say the best way to gauge your own understanding of a concept is by your ability to explain it to others (or something along those lines...) Since I am currently on a deep-dive into the world of machine learning (ML), I decided to apply the same philosophy here by writing about some fundamental ML algorithms one naturally encounters along the way.
Ultimately, my goal was to gain a deeper understanding of gradient-boosted trees, popularized by libraries such as XGBoost or LightGBM, which are regularly used in high-ranking submissions of various Kaggle competitions. However, in order to understand boosted trees, there are various other related methods one has to learn first, starting with so-called decision trees. Unfortunately, when learning a new topic you're often expected to simply accept certain things as facts. Of course, teachers can't explain everything in full detail, and one always has to settle on a certain level of abstraction when introducing new concepts. Overwhelming students with too many details, which make them lose sight of the bigger picture, can be just as detrimental as glossing over or simplifying crucial ideas to the point of irrelevance.[1]
In reading up on decision trees, the topic of the first post in this series, I noticed that most introductions focus (justifiably so) on the way decision trees are used to make predictions, while mostly skipping over the way such trees are actually constructed. Arguably, the latter is much less important from a practical perspective since there's very little reason to ever use your own hand-rolled implementation instead of a battle-tested one. It still bugged me, however, that the topic seemed to be rarely covered. I therefore decided to dig a little deeper and implement various tree-based regression algorithms from scratch. Whether there's a measurable benefit to implementing well-established ML algorithms on your own instead of focusing on building intuition for their behavior on real-world datasets is arguable. However, as long as it doesn't considerably slow down your learning process of other topics, more knowledge is never a bad thing in my book. Personally, I certainly feel a lot more comfortable and confident after gaining a better understanding of what's going on inside what previously amounted to a black box.
Over the next few weeks, I plan to implement and write about various tree-based regression algorithms. We'll start with the most naive form, a binary decision tree. We then slowly ramp up complexity by implementing more advanced approaches such as random forests, as well as gradient-boosted trees, all of which build upon the foundation of decision trees. So with that overly lengthy introduction out of the way, let's move on to the topic at hand.
Since I'm implementing these algorithms as I go along, the source code and interface of the simple
class we'll be looking at in this post are likely to change in the future. For reference, I tagged the code relating to this post in the Github repo:
Problem Formulation and Outline #
While decision trees can be used for both classification and regression (giving rise to the CART acronym), we will focus on regression in this post. For simplicity, we assume that none of our features are categorical so we don't have to deal with feature encoding. Given a feature vector , where each coordinate represents an observation of one of different features (predictors), we aim to infer the value of some target or response variable . Since the exact nature of the relationship between and is rarely if ever known, we may turn to a data-driven approach, where we try to infer the relationship based on a set of representative observations . This is known as the supervised learning problem.
The remainder of this post is structured as follows. First, we look at a simple example to examine the general structure of decision trees, and how they are used to predict the target based on a given observation . We then motivate and explain how trees are constructed, before finally presenting a simple Python implementation of a decision tree regressor.
Using Decision Trees for Prediction #
A decision tree is simply a binary tree, in which each internal node is associated with a particular feature. These nodes are used to partition the input space into regions of similar observations and similar target values.
In order to visualize the principle behind decision trees, we consider a toy example of a 2-dimensional feature space consisting of age and weight, say, and an abstract target . Starting at the root of the tree, we simply traverse the tree based on the feature at the current node. In the example below, we first branch based on age, descending into the left branch of the tree if the age is less than 20, and to the right if it is greater than 20. We repeat the same process at every node until we reach a leaf, also known as a terminal node. Since we always make a binary decision, every input vector is always mapped to a particular leaf; there are no invalid inputs. Once reaching a terminal node, the value at the respective leaf is what the decision tree predicts for the given sample.
To better visualize how this decision tree partitions the nonnegative feature orthant , we may draw the decision boundaries in a feature plane as shown below. Since inputs are (in theory) unbounded, there is no way to partition the domain into boxes of equal size. In particular, certain regions will always be bounded, while others will not and extend to infinity. In our toy example, the only bounded region is the one associated with the prediction .
While many regression methods such as linear regression produce predictions in a continuum,[2] the range of a decision tree (seen as a function from to its codomain) is a finite set. This may seem like a rather limiting characteristic, and in fact the prediction performance of decision trees is generally nothing to write home about. However, since the standing assumption is that similar observations have similar responses, and that the training set ought to be representative of the underlying data distribution, the finite nature of the prediction domain is not as limiting as it may seem. This will also become clear as we move on to more sophisticated regression algorithms, which share the same property but which use clever techniques to significantly increase the size of the prediction space.
Tree Construction #
While we've covered how a decision tree makes predictions, we still haven't answered the question how a tree is ultimately constructed. In particular, the following questions come to mind.
How does a tree (or, more precisely, a construction algorithm)
- decide how many leaf nodes to consider?
- choose which feature to branch on in each node?
- pick the threshold value in each internal node?
- select the prediction value in a leaf?
Let's assume for the moment that we are given a tree which induces partitions with corresponding response predictions . With the training set , we can measure the performance of the decision tree using the loss function
In words, for each partition , we select the training examples that are mapped to the partition , and sum up the squared errors that arise from assigning the same prediction to all training examples in . The goal now is to simultaneously optimize w.r.t. and the sequence of partition/predictor pairs . This turns out to be an intractable problem in its current form. In practice, the problem is therefore solved by a greedy approach known as recursive splitting.
Before explaining recursive splitting, we first address the issue of choosing the predictors when and the partitions are fixed (question 4). In that case, is a simple convex differentiable function of , and hence
where denotes set cardinality. In other words, the predictor associated with partition is the mean response of all training samples in (which we denoted by ). Note that if we had chosen the absolute error as fidelity measure instead of the squared error in the definition of , the optimal choice of would correspond to the median of responses in instead of the mean.
Greedy Recursive Splitting #
Since optimizing all partitions simultaneously is computationally intractable, recursive splitting instead tries to make a locally optimal choice by splitting the training set into two partitions which minimize the loss function for . Each partition is then separately split again (if possible), which leads to the hierarchical tree structure we're after.
For simplicity, we assume for the moment that we are at the root of the tree. In order to split the observations, we need to pick both the best feature to split on, and the best decision threshold. To that end, we first fix an arbitrary feature index and choose the best decision threshold according to
where and are the mean responses of all observations with and , respectively. We repeat this process for every feature index , and finally pick the feature with the lowest score to split on, where the corresponding threshold is used as decision threshold in the internal node. Note that if there is no choice for that partitions the observations into two nonempty groups, we do not split on the feature. If this is the case for all features, we cannot split the node and turn it into a leaf.
The procedure described here automatically answers questions 2 and 3 in our
list above.
It also implicitly answers the first question.
Since we recursively split newly created nodes and thereby grow the tree in a
top-down manner, the number of leaves depends on the number of times we can
successfully split internal nodes.
In practice, this sometimes leads to very large trees.
Without additional construction constraints, we could theoretically end up with
trees in which each leaf contains exactly one observation, thus terribly
overfitting the training data.
In order to keep complexity in check, one may therefore impose additional
constraints, e.g. that internal nodes are only split if there are more than
a specific number of observations left.
Other options involve limiting the depth of the tree or the number of leaf
nodes, or performing tree
To keep things simple, we will only support limiting the number of samples
required to split an internal node for the moment.
The default value of 2 will always lead to fully grown trees, which corresponds
to the default behavior of scikit-learn's DecisionTreeRegressor
Python Implementation of a Decision Tree Regressor #
With the mathematical details covered, we'll move on to our Python
We start with the DecisionTree
implementation, which simply implements the
necessary scikit-learn interface for estimators.
Most crucially, this requires the two methods fit
and predict
, where for
technical reasons the former needs to return self
Otherwise, their implementations are self-explanatory.
For the moment, the constructor of our DecisionTree
class only accepts a
single parameter, namely min_samples_split
with the same meaning as its
scikit-learn counterpart.
As mentioned above, this parameter can be used to control the complexity of the
tree by requiring that we only split internal nodes if the available number of
samples at a node exceeds min_samples_split
import numpy as np
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin
class DecisionTree(BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin):
def __init__(self, min_samples_split=2):
self.min_samples_split_ = min_samples_split
self._tree = None
def fit(self, X, y):
self._tree = Tree(self.min_samples_split_)
self._tree.construct_tree(*map(np.array, (X, y)))
return self
def predict(self, X):
if self._tree is None:
raise RuntimeError("Tree needs to be fitted first")
return self._tree.apply(np.array(X))
The heavy lifting is done in the Tree
class, which we define next.
Since the branches of a binary tree are also valid subtrees (unless we're at a
terminal node), we define the tree recursively.
If a node is an internal node, it has both a left
and right
We also store a feature_index
to identify the feature we're comparing to, as
well as an associated decision threshold
A terminal node (or leaf) on the other hand will only have a non-None
Performing prediction with this tree structure is pretty straightforward.
Given an array of observations, we perform sample-wise prediction by applying
the apply_tree_to_sample
method to each row of the input array (this is what
the np.vectorize
call does in our apply
In the apply_tree_to_sample
method, we first check if the current tree node
is a leaf and, if so, simply return the prediction value of the leaf.
Otherwise, we branch based on the node's feature_index
and threshold
attributes to select the next subtree and recursively call apply_tree_to_sample
on it.
Simple enough.
class Tree:
def __init__(self, min_samples_split):
self._min_samples_split = min_samples_split
self.left = None
self.right = None
self.feature_index = None
self.threshold = None
self.prediction = None
def apply_tree_to_sample(self, x):
if self.threshold is None:
return self.prediction
if x[self.feature_index] < self.threshold:
node = self.left
node = self.right
return node.apply_tree_to_sample(x)
def apply(self, X):
X = np.array(X)
return np.vectorize(self.apply_tree_to_sample, signature="(m)->()")(X)
Finally, we turn to tree construction whose core logic is implemented in the construct_tree
method below.
As outlined in the description above, we construct the tree by recursively
splitting the observations.
In code, this works as follows:
- Check if the number of samples is enough to split, otherwise turn the node into a leaf.
- If we have enough samples to split, iterate over all features, and compute
and store the best possible split configuration (
). - Find the feature index with the best score.
- If the
of the best split isNone
, it was not possible to split the samples for any given feature, so turn the node into a leaf. This happens, for instance, when all observations of the individual features are identical. - If neither condition for a leaf node was satisfied, partition the observations and targets, and construct the left and right subtrees.
def construct_tree(self, X, y):
num_samples, num_features = X.shape
# Too few samples to split, so turn the node into a leaf.
if num_samples < self._min_samples_split:
self.prediction = y.mean()
# For each feature, compute the best split.
feature_scores = {}
for feature_index in np.arange(num_features):
x = X[:, feature_index]
feature_scores[feature_index] = self._find_best_split(x, y)
# Retrieve the split configuration for the best (lowest) score.
feature_index = min(feature_scores,
key=lambda key: feature_scores[key]["score"])
split = feature_scores[feature_index]
threshold = split["threshold"]
if threshold is None:
self.prediction = y.mean()
self.feature_index = feature_index
self.threshold = threshold
mask_left, mask_right = split["partition"]
self.left = Tree(self._min_samples_split)
self.left.construct_tree(X[mask_left, :], y[mask_left])
self.right = Tree(self._min_samples_split)
self.right.construct_tree(X[mask_right, :], y[mask_right])
The _find_best_split
method is also pretty self-explanatory.
We iterate over all samples and select the observation which minimizes the
sum of squared errors among all observations if used as decision threshold to
split the samples on.
If we can't split samples because all samples would end up in either the left
or right branch, we simply move on to the next threshold candidate.
def _find_best_split(self, x, y):
best_score = np.inf
best_threshold = None
best_partition = None
for threshold in x:
# Obtain binary masks for all samples whose feature values are
# below (left) or above (right) the split threshold.
mask_left = x < threshold
mask_right = x >= threshold
# If we can't split the samples based on `threshold', move on.
if not mask_left.any() or not mask_right.any():
# Score the candidate split.
partition = (mask_left, mask_right)
score = self._score_split(y, partition)
if score < best_score:
best_score = score
best_threshold = threshold
best_partition = partition
return {
"score": best_score,
"threshold": best_threshold,
"partition": best_partition
def _score_split(self, y, partition):
mask_left, mask_right = partition
y_left = y[mask_left]
y_right = y[mask_right]
return (np.sum((y_left - y_left.mean()) ** 2) +
np.sum((y_right - y_right.mean()) ** 2))
And that's it!
In order to test whether the algorithm is working as intended, we'll run
prediction on the Boston house-prices dataset and compare our predictive
performance against scikit-learn's DecisionTreeRegressor
import time
from sklearn.datasets import load_boston
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor
from tree import DecisionTree
class Timer:
def __enter__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._start_time = time.time()
def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
print(f"Time elapsed: {time.time() - self._start_time :.6f} seconds")
def main():
X, y = load_boston(return_X_y=True)
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=0)
for implementation, Regressor in [("sklearn", DecisionTreeRegressor),
("naive", DecisionTree)]:
regressor = Regressor()
with Timer():, y_train)
prediction = regressor.predict(X_test)
print(f"Mean absolute error ({implementation}):",
mean_absolute_error(prediction, y_test))
if __name__ == "__main__":
$ python
Mean absolute error (sklearn): 3.299212598425196
Time elapsed: 0.002483 seconds
Mean absolute error (naive): 3.17007874015748
Time elapsed: 1.556536 seconds
As we can see, for the random state we picked to split the dataset, our naive implementation performs slightly better than scikit-learn's version. Due to our naive and unoptimized implementation, training and prediction take orders of magnitude longer than scikit-learn's efficient Cython implementation though. I also want to point out that while we're training both models to optimize for lowest MSE, we're scoring performance on the test set in terms of mean absolute error (MAE), which is a bit inconsistent.
Closing Remarks #
And with this, we've reached the end of the first post in this series on tree-based regression algorithms. While there is certainly more to say on the topic of decision trees, I believe we covered enough ground to be able to move on to more advanced methods. In the next post, we'll be looking at random forests, a simple extension of decision trees that consider an ensemble of trees rather than fitting a single tree.
My go-to example is the way the Fourier transform is often taught in higher mathematics classes for engineers at university. My gripe here is with lecturers who merely remark that the Dirac delta function is actually a distribution without defining the term, let alone pointing out the implications of this fact. Unfortunately, this leads to frustrating inconsistencies. For instance, while the filtering property of can be invoked to informally determine the Fourier transform of , the other direction doesn't work as does not exist in the Riemannian sense. ↩︎
This is because a linear regressor maps an observation from to according to , where is a weight vector, is a constant offset or bias term, and is the canonical inner product on . ↩︎